This Grey Peacemaker was sent to miner 5zzra.wam. Thanks for mining Naron 27:5.

1 2

Ooo this looks fun! I'll add a crow to the Crow Swap! 🐦
wallet address: 3scrm.wam

1 13

W moje urodziny (18.04) o 18:00 wstawiam cover, nad którym bardzo długo pracowałam!!
Jako pierwszą zapowiedź daję wam szkic mnie w charakteryzacji pewnych postaci z tej piosenki ;))

3 105

This card was sent to miner 2jsb4.wam. Thanks for mining Naron 27:5.

0 2

retweet this nft campaign. retweet with a .wam address, and a follow to enter. I 𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕝 send you one for free for dealing with captchas! road to 27 and a half followers!

2 4

Soooooooo that wam-up sketch turned into these cuties and took up 3 hours of the stream. As such I will be switching over to Rust to have some fun! I'll work on comms in tomorrows stream for sure!

0 0

This NFT was sent to miner aacqy.wam. Thanks for mining Naron 27:5

0 3

The following card was sent to miner ndubc.wam. Thanks for mining Naron 27:5. (decided to drop more than once every 24hrs)

0 1

This card was sent to miner penr.wam. Thanks for mining Naron 27:5

0 1

Mili Państwo, potrzebujemy w Polsce zielonej prawicy.

Ale jak miałaby ona wyglądać?

Na to pytanie postaram się Wam odpowiedzieć komiksami autorstwa Aleksandry Herzyk, inspirowanymi moją książką "Globalne ocieplenie. Podręcznik dla Zielonej Prawicy".


12 196

Kolejny lgbt dragoon tym razem aromantic robiony z mysla o uwu
Taki piesek/smok przesyla wam milosc

2 14

This mint was sent to miner iyxrc.wam Thanks for mining Naron 27:5

3 5

weem wam woom wam weem wam woom wam weem wam woom wam weem wam woom wam weem wam woom wam weem wam woom wam weem wam woom wam weem wam woom wam weem wam woom wam weem wam woom wam weem wam woom wam weem wam woom wam weem wam woom wam weem wam woom wam weem wam woom wam

1 8


I've been hit with a wave of nostalgia, and I just had to draw this after watching the first few episodes of the show again

Nothing like aging and redesigning past faves❤️❤️

6 13

Happy Birthday to Stephen Salisbury III, Philanthropist and Founder of the Worcester Art Museum, born on this day in 1835.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins

1 5

moots piekni slodcy zycze wam udanego dnia buziole

cr chibird

0 10

Xbox Hunters! Safi’jiiva is back! Let’s give it a final send-off before we go all crazy on MHRise.


Once I have 2 hunters for my team we’ll use passcodes (discord voice also), if you come afterwards I won’t do rotation but plz feel free to make a 2nd/3rd team!

5 223