Westallen fan art for by sassandsassagain on tumblr!

53 80

Barry and Iris with their kids and Bart. (And I see Meloni Thawne, too!) I'ma go cry now.

23 32

-I wonder what our E2 doppelgangers are doing right now
-Probably their version of Netflix and Chill

281 733

My Hiatus Week (Day 2) Earth 4 : 'Royalty/Arranged Marriage' edit

12 28

Barry proposing to Iris. I'm actually not okay.

34 44

"Without iris, Barry Allen would've been lost to the speed force long ago" I C O N I C

29 36

I’d choose u; in a 100 lifetimes, in a 100 worlds, in any version of reality, I’d find u & choose you. 😭

52 61

They think that Joe is still a cop in Earth 2 LMFAO
but, Iris is the one who is the cop. I'm screaming

14 19

Do you ever see a gifset and cry at how perfect your OTP is??? you gotta stop

7 11