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On Hiatus so fuckin' in tune with zeitgeists and cultural woes. I wish I was tweeting from a skateboard right now.
"Duplex" by @gleasonphoto and fashion editor @kristinekilty for @GeistFashion #GeistMagazine #fashionphotography
did a painting of the awesome @samirawiley as Poussey because I finished S2 of #OrangeIsTheNewBlack and she was GREAT
Fallece H.R.Giger artista de sci fi biomecanica y surrealista. Su arte en cine: alien, species, poltergeist prometeus
Manga obsession lesson 2 @UzoAduba @TaySchilling #OrangeIsTheNewManga
Manga obsession no 1 @DashPolanco @TarynManning #OrangeIsTheNewManga
Dunno if I already added this one... A sexy comic book style Leela by Jesse Stasiuk (Oni-Geist) | #Futurama
[FANART] KrisTao cr:yellow-geist @nootable @taoriscastle @KrisThailand @KRISTMSBT @EXOTAOBTH @EXOKRISBTH