画質 高画質

btw Kirby air ride city trial I’ve probably spent more time on than anything else in my life

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Estos son mis preferidos y los que consiguieron encogerme el corazón 😍

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Thought I might as well jump on the bandwagon

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let it be known that i had to have a whole council debate with myself with the last two

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Games i like very much (mainly super mario world and cave story.)

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One game from each PlayStation generation.

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looook imma try my best to fit all genres that represent me

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These games come to mind immediately!

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's Madness Returns is what sealed the deal for me when it came to pursuing game art! Here are some other amazing games that influenced my decision to pursue game development!

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Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door
Secret of Evermore
Pokemon Emerald
Mario Kart Double Dash

*Bonus 5th*
Gamecube Logo

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My ! It was hard to narrow this down tbh

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Part Two: These games are also fantastic and I have sunk too many hours into them. Although, I could never finish Diddy Kong Racing.

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Games that kept me going and inspired me to be a designer like I am. This was tough

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C'est tellement dure de choisir !!
SOTC: l'ost résonne encore dans ma tête 13 ans après
PWAA: premier jeu sur ds, j'ai du le finir au moins 20x
WoW: j'ai +400d de played juste sur mon main et j'y jouais avec mon père.
OW: J'y ai rencontré ma deuxième famille ❤️

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I would lop LBP 1 and 2, D1 and 2, and Galaxy 1 and 2 together

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