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I saw these figurines online and I just about DIED. I need them in my life 😭😭😭 I drew them cause they were so cute
Purple Heart and Black Heart in bunny suits ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Background is based off the backdrop used to showcase the figurines of these on GoodSmile's website XD
#HyperdimensionNeptunia #Neptunia
#超次元ゲイムネプテューヌ #ネプテューヌ
Reflecting on the past- amazing to think this painting wouldn't exist today without someone having sat down and carved a figurine 23,0000 years ago. Venus of Renancourt, acrylic on canvas, 60x60cm #art #archaeology #history #prehistoric #renancourt #paleolithic #neolithic
It's happening! #theTGG2 Exemplar Sisters now available! https://t.co/LnzYU8PLNr Get this Army done ;) #SistersOFBattle #Warmongers #Wargaming #RagingHeroes #Miniatures #Figurines #GIRLSWITHGUNS #ExemplarSisters
Une nouvelle figurine hallucinante de #Alucard de #castlevania Symphony of the night est prévue pour le 1er trimestre 2019 au Japon.
Elle mesure 53cm et coutera 95000 yens (800€)
Pokeshopper Update : Pokémon ARTFX J Green with Eevee Kotobukiya figurine released next month. Red with Pikachu preorders reopened. More potentially in production https://t.co/C29wpFCshM
Just pre-ordered some anime figurines, can't wait for 'em to get here in like 4 months. c: #Splatoon2
Speaking of weird figurines, I found this buried somewhere a couple weeks ago. Remember Heroclix guys? Remember the Black Widow figurine with questionable center of gravity? I didn’t. I tried drawing her but I actually like it? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ #heroclix #blackwidow #strongeyebrows
Je tiens a remercier les Editions Monzbi qui m'ont offert cette incroyable opportunité de vous offrir ce concept de figurine.
During my time in Hong Kong I had come across these figurines of Disney princesses. They were not of the legitimate nature. I did not purchase them and I regret that decision immensely. Here is my attempt to recreate the impossible #behold #disneyprincess #theylookedworsethanthis
@magicarpemegnae Je m'incruste. Moi c'est Talou, ou Mémé Korok, comme vous voulez. J'suis un boulet de la vie, mais je fais beaucoup de dessin/figurines/peluches/cosplay, mais comme je suis un boulet, j'ai 150 projet en même temps, et assez peu qui apparaissent finis ^^'
Des bisous !
@michelledrawz If you want to use these idiots we would be thrilled!
Hype for this nerdy figurine shelf tho~ #flynn
Frostfire Figurine, Szechaun Sauce and Butter Bot have been added to the game! Because we don't give a fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck! #WubbaLubbaDubDub #LickLickLickMyBalls #AndThatsTheWayTheNewsGoes
I saw images of the Disney Infinity figurine for Phineas and I almost immediately had the idea to draw this comparison
I just saw a Takao figurine photo somewhere on the internet.
This is my reaction.
Pokeshopper Notice : Brand new Takara Tomy Pokémon figurines of Buzzwole, Jangmo-o, Stufful, Sandygast and Alolan Dugtrio also release tomorrow in Japan https://t.co/letjJeEFvO
Fanart super rapide de #Coraline parce que j'ai la figurine sous les yeux et que j'avais envie de dessiner autre chose. Je ne sais même pas si le chat ressemble à celui du film... :D
The Metal Sonic figurine released by First4Figures.
[@Sonic_Hedgeblog] [Patreon] https://t.co/PlENIvttxA