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Story based art of Maryn for once lmao
I thought ferrofluid looks cool as dark magic

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Day 21: Music. Kaffir is using a modified hydrophone as headphones to hear/feel their mix. It's only mono, but it allows them to feel the music directly as vibrations. Their chest pulses with every bass beat. (Thanks to and for the idea!)

4 21

Luna FINALLY checked back in!!

If you're not caught up on the tweets leading up to the mystery of the TPVHP (trans-poppy-valley-hydro-pipeline) then you can CATCH UP on all the tweets in this twitter list!

Here's the LIST: https://t.co/zRnS2Vl5bv
(and a few pics from today!)

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Careful with the hydro-alcoholic gel in the lab! (just found this cartoon from way back)

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📢March highlights from

💧Wetter than average across large parts of Europe
💧Wetter than average in some parts of the Middle East, with flooding in Syria and Iraq, and drier in parts of South America, especially Argentina


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Comme je le plains tout le temps je le suis faite une sona qui s'appelle Dragouinouin
C'est une dragonne qui pleure tout le temps et ses larmes restent en suspension autour de son cou, elle peut les utiliser pour faire de l'hydrokynesie

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ango trying to fill up hydrobot

2 13

GODSPEED KILUA on a hydroflask for the homie’s bday

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Watercolor & ink painting of the COVID-19 main protease

-- based on PDB structure 6LU7, 2019-nCov coronavirus 3CL hydrolase (Mpro)

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L'#illustration du jour ✏


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Dave Moz Mozo - Dave Moz vs Hydro 89 EP (The Remixes)
(Incl. Tom Bro, Keurich, Chris Deme, Kyothough Mixes)

Release Date: 27 April 2020
Cat#: SBLR099


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Thought I would post some of my old pics - partly due to lockdown blues and im bored - This is M42 the Orion nebula. Its a star forming region, depicted by the pinkish glow from excited hydrogen...Hot Stars!

4 31

【NEWS】STRUGGLE FOR PRIDE、新作リミックスEP『いろいろなMAKE A RAINBOW.』にtofubeats、Hydro Brain、Slowly参加 https://t.co/9Wn6cLQycH

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が限定生産で5/14にリリースされます!EGO-WRAPPIN’中納良恵さんを迎えたBenny Singsのカバー「MAKE A RAINBOW」を、tofubeats、Hydro Brainさん、SlowlyさんがREMIXしています◎アートワークはWACKWACK!最高🎉!!!

44 67

new emote for discord and whatapp
What are you reading... sr hydroid?

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