画質 高画質

George visits dream?!?! Retweets always appreciated haha ❤️ I’m proud of how this turned out. Lineart has been killing me recently 💀

9 87

//implied dnf

okay guys its time to- *dies*
dnfers keep winning
give me clout

0 15

// dnf

Dnf cafe date brainrot HSHDHD anywayyy, coloring this was painful

9 137

They are Schroeder and Lucy. No I do not take criticism

2 14


okay so this is kinda half assed ngl im tired

this is a drawing of 's REALLY GOOD dnf oneshot called " red glory " !!! i really liked it and i hope you like this kota :))

67 2247

// dnf

dream and george highschool lovers au??

16 190

// Shipping

Have some dnf fluff folks :] Not my usual style but I wanted to try something soft.

4 54


God. Anyway hi lol first dnf drawing in a while but this time dog n cat boy.

Also these color palettes are swag 👍.


1 15

hey dnftwitter, I do art 👀 anyways don’t worry they’ve got socks on they’re just homies, if you like it please follow/like/retweet <3

5 24


“I wanna count the freckles on your face, rearrange em, put em in the same place.”
fangs - matt champion


30 199

// dnf // dreamnotfound

they’re in love, your honour.

119 2107

some cozy dnf after whatever the hell we just watched

123 1561

oh also if you guys need a reson to follow ,me i do draw from time to time 😳

1 2

// dnf

I know the screenshot redraw was supposed to be more funny but I made it soft bc it looked like they were holding/dancing with each other ♥️♥️

454 5715