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I can’t think of anything that matters more than Gaming. Reducing a lifetime of moments to four is a futile one. Vastly different in scope and in mechanics, from the woozy to the weird to the wonderful, here’s some that have influenced virtually every other game.

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Not necessarily my favourite games, but the ones I played to death and had my most memorable experiences with. I think back to these when I write stories and have ideas for games.

I would kill for a Silent Hill 2 remaster on the PS4.

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Many beautiful memories attached to these 4 games.

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Sans trop (trop) réfléchir les jeux qui m'ont le plus marqué (pas forcément dans mon top) sont:
- TLZ Minish Cap
- Deus Ex HR
- PMD Bleu
- Dragonica
Chacun pour leur raisons, à leur façon, font également parti de la liste des jeux qui ont influencé mon imaginaire.

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just 4 is not possible for me.😂
⭐Street Fighter
⭐Guild Wars Factions
⭐The Sims
+Maniac Mansion, Broken Sword,Ragnarok online, Resident evil 2, Psobb, Animal crossing new leaf and Maplestory.❤

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These games will always be near and dear to me! They're huge impacts on my childhood dream to get into and

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My with my childhood game and the ones which influence me to make my art.

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I guess if i wanted to narrow it down to games that i've spent countless hours replaying as a kid

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These are my
2 oldies that got me into the whole gaming world and 2 new(er) that got me into new genres that I absolutely adore (BioWare got me by the neck)

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Don’t normally play along with trends like these, but I actually really like this one. These are games that influenced what I like, and who I am (SUPER hard to narrow down to 4)

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I love all these games for different reasons but I legitimately think Yoshi’s Island is the best platformer ever made

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J'ai galéré à choisir. Il y en a trop :(

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The top 4 games that moulded me into the gamer I am today ❤️❤️❤️#GameStruck4

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Had to really put in some thought.

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These four games have really had a huge impact and influence as a kid with lots of beautiful memories... I also did some fan art before of these games...😍
If I would rank them;
1. Ragnarok
2. Supermario
3. Bomberman
4. Super Smash Bros.

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God damn, this is hard to break down into just 4, but these are definitely up there

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