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Amo pensar en Atsumu llamando Omi Omi a Sakusa y él molestandose.

5 14

that iconic kissing scene from given... but make it sakuatsu 👉👈

1889 5129

sakuatsu and osasuna exist to prove that the twins have a type, and its a weird one

496 1400

atsumu really wasn't prepared for that

274 937

this is the specific sakuatsu dynamic im looking for

322 977

just a quick mermaid doodle i said, like a fool

110 301

atsumu can have a little forehead touch... for being freshly showered

128 414

Hey!!! Omg!!! I’m posting actual content!!! Wow!!!
Had one of my “being sad about being single hours” at 2am again ,so I drew some affection- and touch-thirsty SakuAtsu. This scene has little amounts of angst as well, they just miss each other so much~

16 48

Ok. I didn't thought that the first time drawing Sakuatsu would be like this:

33 100

i swear i'll calm down one day, but today is not the day

59 160

I love it when they say sakuatsu rights

8 33

i couldnt sleep until i drew sakuatsu practicing holding hands before their public fake date

179 567


atsumu’s hair is slightly blonde right? and sakusa’s hair is black... now hear me out:

sakuatsu maid-sama au 👈👈😎

42 247

me, hours ago: i mean i don't think is an endgame ship for me
me now: ...softé

129 412