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GPDF220 : Alexander Salnikov & Perry Trollope : The servers are the seven chaos... https://t.co/z50UMs02G3 [PDF]

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Since Icchibanketsu opened its servers today, I made a Nice Legs crossover with Touken Ranbu

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me: *sees that the update is done and signs on*
overwatch: nah, fam the DDoS is attacking the servers ' v ') <3

3 18

It's really amazing how in three years, Club Penguin's servers completely died out. July 2013 VS July 2016.

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Hotfix 0.7.3: Fixed multiplayer bug stopping certain players from connecting to servers.

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I love Pokémon Go, it's wonderful and nostalgic! But the servers can be a challenge. Just a lil' bit.

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Pokemon GO officially gets released in Canada and we break the servers practically instantly :(

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Thanks for crashing the servers Canada.

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so, the servers are down and there can only be two people to blame...

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dam pokemon go servers are down

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MRW - Get the apk, but can't start cuz servers are dead because PkmnGO releases in 26 countries, and still no Canada

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:'( when servers are down

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While waiting for PokemonGo servers to fix I had a go at the style

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I agreed to go to a family gathering figuring I could get Pokemon but the servers down

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Who is to blame for the servers being down?!

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MFW people that got head-starts on Pokemon Go by sneaking in with sketchy APKs find that the servers are down.

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having played on JP servers for most of my time in XIV i think this is the closest representation of moving to NA

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