画質 高画質

【サイト改装オープンのお知らせ】気がつけば10周年!ということでお待たせいたしましたがようやくサイトリニューアルオープンしました!tit.for.tat 一次創作サイト ※腐要素有 http://t.co/5ajCXgpsWU

16 49

【D-2Yesung International Union Supporting Event NO2】4/5 Mobit Gift Distribution.For detailsPlz refer to the picture~

44 16

Ta da! That's all of the Reploid kids...for now.

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Musings on a Summer's Eve 44"X34" frame. On exhibit at Boca Raton Museum of Art - Th Art School....for sale

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One of these days I will have a full body shot of a character.For now all upper bodies only (*´>д<)

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Looking through files on my old PC. I did some random stuff at uni...for example Killa Bunnies Stormtroopers...

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Goodbye Horace...for now anyway.:(

4 6

for...forgive me...

13 39

Dare2Draw has a deep and rich history...for some of America’s top comic book artists: http://t.co/QOPmWxgztu

2 2

We are leaving! .....for now. Hope to return if we get positive news on LM again

8 11

A wee bit of Stack family history.apples from the tree!.for inquisitive folk.more at the link https://t.co/y1jhA8EU6A

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[Preview] 141231 LUHAN @ Dragon TV New Years Countdown cr.FORLUHAN,RingoRingoRingo,Takoyaki_Deer,LUHANDAZED

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Finished up my drawing...Forgive the cell phone quality pic!

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...for someone special
State Of The Heart
by Rick Springfield. http://t.co/61Ifkvd40M

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'Tis the season...for stealing cookies!

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Koops is a cool dude...for a cringer...ya know?

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