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My forever faves! These are the games that made me love games!❤️

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Seems like is the right tag for this? Not

Here we go (again) with the games that influenced me most and left a heavy impact on me. All of them are close to heart for me. <3

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anddd which was very hard cuz i havent been an active gamer for that long!
DA:I & TLOU are some of my ultimate "feel good" favs. Perfect World International was the start of my love for RPGs anddd yes i do like idol gacha tap tap games cuz i am in fact weeb trash.

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Really hard to narrow it down to 4! Honorable mentions to Pokemon Red, Halo 2, Animal Crossing and Night in the Woods

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Only four? There are too many to name but these ones stick out the most to this day.

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Was going to make a joke answer but figured what the hell.

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Literally, the games that defined my childhood not my overall favourites but it's up there!

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the art style and experience have a special place in my heart

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I'll echo everyone else's sentiment that its just not enough to limit it to 4, but I think this is the most honest list I could make. Doom, Zero Escape, and the entire catalog of Clover/Platinum works are equally strong contenders.

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These have been THE games for me 😆

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Choosing only 4 was hard but for me these are some of most impacting games i had played in my life

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My should actually be mostly GBA games but I don't remember them.

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Thought I'd join in on this tag, here's the 4 games that struck me the most! 🤩

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Dragon Quest 8 - spawned my love for RPGs & is my favorite game of all time
Runescape - created my addiction for MMOs
Katawa Shoujo - Helped me during a massive depression & made me feel okay about my medical disabilities
Minecraft - How I met all my crazy friends!

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I love movies but I kinda don't know which ones are my top 4. Now games on the other hand? That's easy!

(Overwatch may be far more recent, but has made too much of a positive impression on my life to leave it off this list)

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