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2. Changed up my glamour while almost nearly living in Gold Saucer...

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Un auto con postizas... Sera Penelope Glamour ???? Por Cordoba...

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finally updated scholar glamours.. I'm getting wild stares ahahhh

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bard 44! otan sut kohta kiinni & meen ohi & vien kaikki naiset näillä glamoureilla

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turpakii. laitan kohta semmoset glamourit ettei kenellekkään jää mikään epäselväks

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Glamour Girls, Unfinished: Erin Hammond at : http://t.co/rMo275jxc7

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If you aren't already following you probably want to. She's HiLar'!

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Finally the superb in beautiful glory! Giving us here at a touch of

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Smiles all round again as new artist Alexandria joins the team

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: My view for what will feel like the next 20 years. Oh the glamour of the music biz...

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The first artist to be a glamour star. Tamara de Lempicka http://t.co/mZ7Iyhe5cc

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t7 down and it's high time I changed glamours.. that hat is getting old -.-

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