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But wait why is this so stupid but I love it so much??

0 10

Why do I feel like Sirfetch'd is molesting me with his eyes 🥵🥵🥵

1 2

I love It was time for a evolution to come! I should start thinking on doing my cute 3D version 🦆🗡🛡#PokemonSwordShield

9 80


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You vs the knight she tells you not to worry about

0 8

my man Sirfetch'd even got that pinky out

posh as af

0 24

Sirfetch'd gives off extreme levels of smug.

4 24

Imagine having to wait for a Farfetch'd evolution for 23 years, only for it to be done fighting after 2 weeks.

34 145

god he deserves the world and more

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Here Sirfetch’d, aka the handsome bird, ladies and gentlemens

1 5

I never in a million years thought I'd wake up to someone at Nintendo looking at Farfetch'd and saying "yeah, let's make him all knightly and hot."

0 3

he’s here! he’s real! it’s sirfetch’d!

288 1335

Jeżeli Farfetch'd może ewoluować w smug birda po 25 latach, ty też możesz zmienić się na lepsze, nigdy nie jest za późno - bądź Sirfetch'd swojego życia!

10 71

Shout out to my homie Farfetch’d who went from Dux to Fux in a single evolution.

3 13

Farfetch'd finally got the evolution he deserved.
I like the design. What do you think of it

9 48