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Mare Nectaris(SPA)をプレイしたらうっかり顔元カメラが起動してて一緒にいた友達に邪魔されたときのイラストです

9 28

"Se è scritto che due pesci in mare devono incontrarsi, non servirà al mare essere immenso"
Stefano Benni


🎨Cuno Amiet

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Emil Nolde

Il mare I "Sea I" (1947).

- Brücke-museum,Berlino -

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Max Pechstein

Mare in tempesta (Stürmische see)
"Stormy sea" (1936)

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Gotta love rubbing this mare.
You know you want to.

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Mr. Bumps and His Monkey by Walter de la Mare

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Soundtrack to galloping your grey mare across the moors at dawn, vanquishing demons with a quiver of righteous arrows

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Meet Kalli, my Clydesdale mare OC!

Kalli/Artwork (c) Me/RapturedDelight

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Reposting :
"Tra il profumo del bosco e il respiro del mare, un barlume di reciproca felicità”.
-Il bacio (Edvard Munch) "Between the scent of the forest and the breath of the sea, a glimpse of mutual happiness". -The kiss (Edvard Munch)

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Hey is killing it with the KS for her comic Mare Internum, and everybody in that comic is having a bad time so I wanted to draw them having a good time.

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おばあちゃんがAlice Mareのチェルシーの衣装作ってくれました!

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Dear Mare Selen el Phiriazar
Happy Birthday🎉

5 28