画質 高画質

Alright everypony final Applejack picture of the day. ^_^

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Good afternoon everypony as promised from yesterday, today will be pictures of Applejack. Enjoy ^_^

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Good morning everypony as promised from yesterday, today will be pictures of Applejack. Enjoy ^_^

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Alright everypony tomorrow will be Applejack, but today will be pictures of Pinkie Pie. Enjoy ^_^

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Goodnight everypony have a wonderful night/day. Final Applejack picture of the day. ^_^

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Applejack is absolutely adorable! ^_^

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Alright everypony tomorrow will be Babs Seed, but today will be pictures of Applejack. Enjoy ^_^

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When one feathermarks your partner a little too enthusiastically!

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Goodnight everypony have a wonderful night/day. Final Applejack picture of the day. ^_^

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Alright everypony today will be pictures of Applejack. Enjoy ^_^

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Now this is a kind of character design people would pay to see animated!

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AppleJack is best pony ever!

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