画質 高画質

This was surprisingly easy

- Mass Effect
- Halo 3
- FFVII Crisis Core
- MGS3 Snake Eater

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i should be doing more important things but heres my

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The games I spent the most time on growing up.

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games from when I was a kid to now 😏

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So mine are a cheerful bunch! Chuckie Egg, and Walking Dead by

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games that really changed time schedules for me ☺️

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Yi también me uno al tag de con estos títulos que me marcaron

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Four favorite video games, hands down. All Nintendo games, to the surprise of no one...

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I finished hundreds of games, but these are the ones that marked my They are tied to life stages.
-Kid: Nintendo games
-Teen: Any Squaresoft game, tbh
-Adult fucked up by life: Souls games
-Adult not giving more fucks: back to Nintendo, (the circle closes)

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Games that hold a special place in my heart for helping me see a new perspective in the industry and my world

1. Dark Souls (2011)
2. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (2006)
3. Super Mario 64 (1996)
4. Portal 2 (2011)

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Final Fantasy XIII car il m'a carrément dégouté des Final Fantasy.😂

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I have a bunch I love but these are probably the most important

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I have to give it a go! (of course Castlevanias, SF, FF, MGS... will be forever in my gamer's heart)

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So many to choose from. These defined my taste in games in the long run. I'm mostly an adventure, story driven action RPG fan but I dabble in fighters(mostly of the anime variety) from time to time

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is hard, but here goes. L4D2 bonded me w/ friends & my fiancee in Uni. Suiko showed me strong game storylines, and together with Digimon World, gave me my love for recruitable characters. That and I love Digimon. KH: DDD's free movement and wackiest is so refreshing

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