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Painted three blobs then drew some dopes with hats on em’ https://t.co/VvrDFfWgrm

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my daughter got this as a gift. It’s so super 70s but she ❤️s it! :) creating with red (+ b/w) for with for the month of February https://t.co/udsW60FWXo

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Sketched some turtle-inspired space conveyance 🐢 https://t.co/BRgjbtlcVI

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Today is the last day to get your FEARLESS entries in! You have until midnite PST, mwahaha!

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Another Micycle facecam during a Subnautica stream.

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Of all the bands people have asked me to please turn down, The Fall are probably my favorite. RIP MES 🎤 https://t.co/NbZ1cf8Fkt

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Micycle's facecam during the Subnautica stream.

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Robot says hello! (What should his name be?) https://t.co/ND2tAa62Xw

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Bird Drops Flaming Stick on Unsuspecting Bystander in Austraila. (2018, colorized.)

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Star of my favorite comic book series, Sergio Aragonés’ Groo ⚔️ https://t.co/vwfOLckNo7

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I'm playing around with self-portraits to use as my social media avatar. Here's a first pass.

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Mr. Springmist is complete - I love how it turned out

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