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Kingdom Hearts: I wouldn’t be who I am if I didn’t play this

Final Fantasy X: the story blew my 12 year old mind

Persona 4: if I ever made a game, it’d be something like this

Nier/Nier Automata: Makes me feel emotions in ways nothing else does

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this was really hard but growing up these were some of the games I used to play all the time

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Rygar hands down!!! The rest were hard to choose. I included my first game ever!

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These are the single player games that for one reason or another left a huge impact on me. These are some of my top 10 games of all time.

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I wanna do
these are like... an odd... collection of games, I think.

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So it's pretty obvious I'm a visual novel kind of person.

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This is hard because I love so many games but here we go
-KH 358/2 (and really all kh games)
-Dragon Age: Origins
-Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (and 1, but mostly 2)
-Life is Strange

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Would always play Yoshi's Island growing up since I only had a SNES with 2 games. SM64 and DK64 I have strong memories with since daycare. Ocarina 3D holds a special place in my heart as a game I feel connected to and lots of memories I cherish.

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this ones a bit easier than films... so here we are

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These games or series basically kept me sane at some point in time. Also inspired a lot of my music

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Persona 3 remains as one of my all time favorite JRPGs and I have a lot of nostalgia with it.
Cave Story is an endlessly fun game with a shocking deep story.
Katawa Shoujo introduced me the world of VNs.
Then Fruit of Grisaia showed me the pinnacle of VN perfection.

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Pokemon is my childhood. The entire Persona series will always hold a place in my heart. And Undertale is one of my biggest inspirations right now.

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I never do hashtag stuff but hey, seemed kinda cool.

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The moral here is that I must like to be really really sad

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Even though I put literally years of my life into Animal Crossing, Skyrim, and Pokemon White, Maplestory will always be apart of me. I have so many good memories of old friends and it's where I met my boyfriend of almost 10 years XD

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Saw this going around and had to do it.
1. Bloodborne
2. Okami
3. Skyrim
4. Halo (1-3)

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