画質 高画質

The hourglass harp of the ensemble, which also served as a timekeeper. The melody became deeper as the sands of time passed.


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An azure arrow fletching that endured a test of time; it appears to generate a melody as the arrow moves through the air.


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A little flower-shaped emblem emits melodic vibrations. Members of the group was a talented swordswoman, whose every slash rang out in the air.


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Kaeya’s charm have earned him the affection and favor of many people in Mondstadt, but his penchant for agitating others has earned him their annoyance.


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A young girl named Layla is committed to her studies as part of the Akademiya lifestyle, leaving her quite frightened like she may collapse from tiredness.


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A lone figure with ice-blue eyes who has the ability to freeze time and space, appearing when the world is in need of a savior.

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A young Valkyrie who lives on a frozen planet is a skilled spellcaster, capable of freezing whatever she touches with a single spell.

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A spirit monster who practiced tactics with its ice sword - a dangerous weapon that can freeze and destroy everything it comes into contact with.

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Drank some cheap root beer today

still recovering lol

anyways more art!

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A spirit monster who flew across the snow-covered plains, leaving behind a sky-blue figure who called out to his comrades and marked his location.

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A spirit monster who was constantly veiled in mystery; it searches through drawers and cupboards in search of unknown items.

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A spirit monster who dwells in the harshest arctic regions; it has adapted to its environment and its thick fur keeps it warm.

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Here i am! Continuing with jojo 💀i'm working on the clothest now! Kishibe Rohan and Heaven's door!

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A spirit monster who became a defender of the humans and animals that live in the arctic zone; it tries to keep the ecosystem in balance.

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A spirit monster whose claws and fangs serve as the Sword of Extreme Ice, which it utilizes to hunt and defend its domain.

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