Fucking amazing costume designs of écorchés by Pavel Techelitchew for a George Balanchine Ballet Caravan ballet never performed. Need. To. Revive.

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"On m’a reproché plus d’une fois, que je peins des gens écorchés ou bien des cadavres. Ça n’existe pas dans mes tableaux, et à coup sûr dans mes intentions. En tant que peintre, la chaire humaine lisse m’ennuie."
Zdzislaw Beksiński (1929-2005).

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Sculpted an écorché in Zbrush on top of a skeleton basemesh as an anatomy study.

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Engraving and etching by John Beugo, “Two Écorché Trunks” - from the book "Anatomy of the Bones, Muscles, and Joints" by John Bell, 1794

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The final version of the "écorché" lady and her publication in magazine. ✍🏻

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Drawings from our anatomy-musculature session last week

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A few drawings from this afternoons Life Art session looking at musculature and écorché

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