on that note, this was the second BGM that appeared in this branch and i’m equally 😭 these are all so good gah

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i can’t show off the album because i’m still farming for sariel’s 4 star card and so it won’t show 100% lmao but I HAVE ALL THE CARDS NOW!! (flexes the unlimited 强娶 powers i have now that i don’t have to wait for Charlie)

overall game total rolls 2470

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> The Milky Way in the sky was crystal clear and red-gold flames burned vigorously on the plains, firelight flickering on his hair and body.

> His eyes also seemed to be touched with the warmth of the flames, becoming gentle.

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MC: Sariel…

> I softly called his name. There was still some distance between us and such a soft voice seemed to be scattered by the wind the moment it left my lips.

> But in the next second, as if our hearts were one, Sariel raised his eyes and looked at me.

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saw this cute pose from jesse but also i’m constantly surprised by how many choice responses they throw into one conversation. there was actually 4 here, i missed one where you could pick to go out and play or say you’re too tired

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MC: This time, I wish for my small room to be able to become your paradise.

> The sunlight wilfully shone on his face and when his eyelashes quivered there were faint dappled shadows below his eyes.

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> He leaned contently against the bar and the hand that had stopped at my waist stretched forward, taking hold of my fingers and massaging them intermittently.

E: Other than designing, this place is also a very nice paradise.

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E: In that case, I’m more willing to leave some of my traces in the place you’re most often at.

> I followed his gaze to the spacious office area and hooked his thumb.

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evan was the one where i started playing around with exiting and entering. he has one where he’s just looking at his phone and fiddling with his tie too! busy busy ceo

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MC: OK, remember to rest after your shift.

> I couldn’t resist reminding him. Charlie chuckled and laid a gentle kiss on my fingertips.

> The sensation was fleeting and then his figure disappeared in the space before my eyes.

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i only realized later that if you enter and exit the studio you can see alternate poses. almost all of them have a phone one LOL so busy even in your workshop.

meanwhile, catch me wondering how seedless watermelons become a mini-fridge 😦

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> Osborn’s words reminded me that I still hadn’t given this workshop’s key to him.

MC: This is for you!

> I hastily pulled out a crab apple flower petal and carefully put it in his hand.

O: Lemme guess, this petal is this place’s key?

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O: Silly, what bother?
O: Isn’t your house my house?

> I was a little stunned and met Osborn’s gentle gaze.

MC: Mhm… you’re right.

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MC: Then you have to have one too!

> I copied him and folded another hat before rising onto my toes and reaching out to put it on Osborn.

MC: Now that we’re fully equipped, let’s choose a zone to start with?

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> Hearing some direct knocks, I hurriedly opened the studio door.

> Surprise flickered through the depths of Osborn’s eyes as he stood there with a hand in his pocket.

MC: Osborn, you really appeared!

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TRUTH: Tell a moment that your heart fluttered.

O: A moment my heart fluttered… lemme think.
O: Does my first time bringing someone on a motorcycle count?
MC: When was that?
O: You forgot? It was when we were chasing an investigation at my training centre.

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HE’S SO CUTE!! LOOK!! squirrel boy who obediently brings out his fluffy ears and tail unlike a certain stingy fox

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crotch: “(Coughs) Some things should still wait until we get home to do…”

chest: “You don’t seem to be having an argument like this.”

😂 this system honestly

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O: You remembered?
MC: I think I’ve recovered some memories, but they’re still blurry.
O: I’ll help you, do you remember your own name?

> I pretended to think and then shook my head only to see that Osborn’s lips curved into a familiar smirk.

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WAILS!! SEE THIS IS WHAT HIS QIXI CARD COULD HAVE BEEN!! i don't ask for much but just tighter loops of character lines


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