(8/100) of a Ningguang a day💛
She lost her earring :<

45min | 16062023

549 4016

LAで開催するAnime Expoのpixiv x 原神コラボギャラリー(#4506)に、こちらの凝光さんが展示されます。どうぞよろしくお願いします!   My artwork is going to be exhibited at the Anime Expo pixiv x Genshin Impact Booth

1091 9209

I will probably return to finish these drawings (at least one), but if not, better to upload them 😃

56 335


1394 7994



5948 13238

ワンドロお題:凝光 久しぶりに参加!

3 8

vol up pls HAHAHA
saw an fb reel but chief!Ning and ParkRanger!Beidou

hope yall dont mind dumb shit like this, work art is always serious 😩 so this is some good ol cathartic stupidity

180 918


0 2


602 4785