
1 10

어떡해든 저번에 해적왕과 간신왕 귀엽게그려드린다고해서 그려드릴려고 했는데 멋지게 그린거같아여ㅠㅠ 죄송해여..

1 7

(feel sorry that i made a little mistake of 🦈's Devil Horns gesture😣)

2 12

드디어 gacha clue라는 앱에서
4대 천왕을 만들어봤어요~!
(I love Fruity robo Villain~!)

2 11

my style of the fruity villains' human form...
i did this shit long time ago and i have changed many details🤔actually they wear different clothes in different seasons.

3 17

해적왕 우는모습 볼때마다 가슴아픔......

2 6