대태 키수

622 3479

三リョ 대태

84 414

대태 Durmstrang x Hogwarts (*☻-☻*)

101 457

대태 Racer.png

108 403


131 642

An AU where Mitsui has a little girl and Miyagi, who just returned from America, came to help out.

79 385

The look they exchanged during the match, as if they just want to kiss the other……

236 1105

….대태 입니다…. 🥹

48 384

Miyagi broke up with Mitsui before leaving to America, but they still have feelings for each other….

171 566

Duck family 🦆 대태

191 1334

대태 Newly-wed!

202 1042

대태 / 三リョ
A late morning

366 2086

대만태섭が三リョなのだいぶ初手で覚えたんだけどしばらく대태のCとEの部分(CとEの部分?)で認識してて そのうちㄷㅌ表記を見つけたのでうれしくなって「わぁ〜!」て言った

130 504

if 🇯🇵チーム🔥VS🇺🇸チーム🥦

312 1891