클로리시 クロリシ Lysiclaude

다리가 짧아서 빡치는 리시테아냥 (먼치킨)
足が短くて怒るリシテア猫 (マンチカン)
Cat Lysithea (munchkin) is angry because her legs are short

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클로리시 クロリシ Lysiclaude

고양이 비스무리한 털뭉치가 된 클로드랑 리시테아
Vaguely cat-like furballs Lysithea and Claude

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Lysiclaude クロリシ 클로리시

리시테아가 생일선물로 전승 클로드 받는 만화
In which Lysithea gets legendary Claude for her birthday

Pixiv: https://t.co/sfdbu14uub
AO3: https://t.co/zmEBEqABtd

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Happy Lunar New Year!
새해복 많이 받으세요!

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토끼 리시테아랑 드래곤 클로드로 크리스마스 클로리시
ウサギリシテアとドラゴンクロードで クリスマスのクロリシ
Holiday Lysiclaude with bunny Lysithea and wyvern Claude

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Lysiclaude extremely cliche high school romantic comedy AU
클로리시 미국 고등학교 AU
クロリシ アメリカ高校パロ

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クロリシ 클로리시 lysiclaude

클로드 폰 리건, 2n세, 유학생, 자신있게 오전강의 신청했다가 지옥 체험중
クロード·フォン·リーガン, 2n歳, 留学生, 自信満々で午前の講義を申し込んで地獄体験中
Claude von Riegan, 20something, studying abroad, made the mistake of taking morning lectures

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クロリシ 클로리시

Claude meets Lysithea's parents after the ending
클로드가 리시테아 부모님 만나는 만화

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고양이랑 클로리시 + 로미오와 신데렐라st 무언가
ネコとクロリシ + ロミオとシンデレラ?
Cats and Lysiclaude, plus a WIP inspired by Romeo and Cinderella

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クロリシ 클로리시

Neither of them can swim
둘다 수영 못함

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5 days left until We are looking forward to everyone's contributions!

클로리시 クロリシ


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unfinished self-indulgent claulysi/クロリシ/클로리시 doodles for today (aka my birthday) and a week ago on valentines day

i have no motivation to color rip

maybe i'll try when lysithea's birthday rolls around a week later

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(idk what the ship name for these two in English)

Claude x Lysithea comic

there are scripts for more comics but idk if i have to motivation to draw them

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