⚡️🔶💖💖 付き合ってる-dating
⚡️: (セクハラ)邪タルが何を言ったか当ててみて ( what did Ch say to Morax🤭)
Morax got angry blushes,& did the German Suplex on Ch😂
*rkgk* #公钟#chili#tartali#タル鍾#탈종#ไชลด์จง
💧: やっと見つけた俺の嫁♡ I have finally found you, my bride♡
🔶:え? テヘッ////// huh? *blushes*
厚塗りやってみました! 楽しい😆💗
I tried painting in watercolor style, its fun, but still not used to it
アヤモラ大好き💖 #公钟#chili#tartali#タル鍾#탈종#ไชลด์จง
💖Childe has returned safely to Liyue. He went to Zhongli's house, &took a bath. Zhongli was so happy he hugged him. He missed Childe so much🥺💙🧡Childe misses Zhongli's warmth he loves him so much.
they will have dinner together, then make love💕 #公钟#tartali#タル鍾#탈종
お題🌸🌸🌸💙🧡[春] Tartali Spring🌸
Inazuma date, Childe is saying how much he loves Zhongli while enjoying the sakura trees, Zhongli is happy💖 #タル鍾ワンドロワンライ#公钟#chili#tartali#タル鍾#탈종#ไชลด์จง
☀️Morning, today I will reply to comments💕
Tartali having pancakes for breakfast, & Childe is feeding Zhongli, he likes to watch his cheeks become like a hamster lol😆💧🔶
*pancake is a brush from CSP* #公钟#chili#tartali#タル鍾#탈종#ไชลด์จง
A collaboration between me and dear Noe! >< thanks for joining and giving me pretty version of cuddling ttli 💖💗💗💗💗 I really love it!
And it's also my gift for them too 🥺
Lineart by me
Color by @Noesensei801 #Tartali#탈종#タル鍾#公钟