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6 25

we never learn
comic escolar con tramas sencillas
Love is war
no me gusto el dibujo y la premisa se me hace medio tonta y no disfruto mucho de su humor
one piece
más de dressrosa, lo compro por costumbre xd.

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Faynor's Tale Series Chapter 1-#2: Departure.
Faynor (My OC) Departed his village in search of a better life, and in order to move on from his loss. Beginning today, the world is his home.

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I've seen the first panel as "proof" Leia wanted a granddaughter to wear Padme's dresses

Yet in context Leia was using the dresses as an excuse to infiltrate a vault to save Lor San Tekka.

She doesn't actually care about them. Only the mission. That's Leia.

Poe Dameron

6 18

All Luck Comics Adventure Retrostyle Action!
By Dan Davis

T-BIRD & THROTTLE FINALE & Collected Edition!


6 14

【作品紹介】#小西紀行「Untitled 抽象的な小西の描く人間像。家族とは何か、友とは何か、私とは何か、人間とは何か。形のない、普遍的な言葉じゃどこか茫漠としていて掴みきれないものが、絵画にはある。#ひろしまトリエンナーレ

10 122

Blink & It’s GONE👁 FINAL CALL - Less than 24 Hours Remain For The Funded Kickstarter Campaign STAY AWAKE Get Your Copy Here:
https://t.co/1kT1zJYvB5 📲

8 14

"Where Were You On The Night Batman Was Killed?"

David Vern Reed's greatest achievement as a Batman writer.

'Batman (1977)
Splash pages by John Calnan and Tex Blaisdell
Colors by Jerry Serpe
Edited by Julius Schwartz

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