Lava Spitters are beetles that can generate lava inside their bodies and, occasionally, spit them on you.

95 501

General Greenhorn fought for the Mush-folk for many years. In the end the very spirit of the woods healed his wounds.

You can check the full story in instagram, I try to keep things short around here :)

79 477

Queen Alexandra, The Mother Queen,, sits in one of the six thrones of the Royal Hexagon.

185 771

Cockroaches are tinkerers of the Empire. Living in the sewers by choice, they create amusing machines and the very structure of the underground city.

122 570

An extravagant killer, Lady Mantis is an extremely efficient killer working for the Queens of the Royal Hexagon. Loved by the Queens and feared by the enemies of the crown.

129 546

This T H I C C boy is an enslaved Boulder Beetle.
They're super friendly in nature, but harshly raised by the Heralds of War to become beasts of burden/ war machines. Bug World is a thought place.

130 778

Bone Eaters are scavengers from the glaciers and tundras of Bug World. Not very civilized guys.

163 888

Mush-Folk connect to plants and fungus to live in harmony and develop a peaceful society. This fella is based on a Giraffe Beetle btw.

70 408

Fireflies are adventurous people, thanks to the light and warm their bodies generate they can explore the deepest caves and the creepiest of the hive ruins.

404 1939

Spectral Moths are eternal beings living in libraries. Smart dudes.

83 433

Here's a necromancer Fly, nasty dude, summoning zombie bugs.

86 451

I'm doing a thing in Instagram and decided to share it here too.
If you feel like drawing a giant-eva-colored-cicada-with-fying-blades feel free to join <3

60 346

This is Kabuto, son of the Bettle Queen, one of the six matriarch in the Royal Hexagon. Cool dude, but I can't decide which color to keep.. Help?

323 1668

Finally managed to add Scorpions to Bug World. Sand pirates ahoy!

87 482

Arachnids are intellectuals. Sometimes they're also poisonous.

I'm trying to catch up with my instagram account. Already have over 30 bugs there... less than 10 here D:

69 339