Gaia-Min's experiments with ancient technology went awry, her body fusing with a mysterious "Liquid Crystals". Flattened, powered and unhinged, she took the role as a witch in order to forcefully display the true potential of Liquid Crystals! Whatever that entails.

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A persian-red pinniped. You'll notice how Vis's face and mostly everything is all squished and melty. Vis needs to be pretty hot to move fluidly, and luckily Vis has a nice warm fire tail to keep them warm. Some fool just really wanted to do the pun hoo hoo!

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At a distance Carmelita may appear like a regular person, but she is made of papier maché. She'll spontaneously combust in a bright explosion of confetti and sweets that seemingly appear from nowhere. How does she come back after exploding? Good question!

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A very naughty wad of gum, Gumi enjoys causing trouble and high inconvenience to others by using her sticky body. She can very easily fall flat onto the floor, making any passerbys feel that horrible feeling of stepping on discarded gum and causing people to trip.

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A 2D presence that isn't a shadow slithers from wall to wall, using its own body as a brush to make artwork, then slipping through the storm drain grates before it can be caught in the act... that's the life of Geraldine, though most know her as the "Giraffiti".

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I'll give you a moment to stop giggling. ...Ok? Ok.
Nutasha is a little oakseed and the smallest inhabitant of the Valley of the Goddess, deep in the wilderness. She has a pretty tough exterior and her stubby little legs allow her to leap massive distances.

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Ramen girl is... yeah. She doesn't exactly have a subtle name. She is a connoisseur of fine foods and an excellent cook, but insists that instant noodles are the king of all foods. She doesn't think about the whole "she's already ramen" thing too hard. Chinese.

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Hope has her head at a really weird angle, at least it would be if she weren't flat. She tends to stay low to the ground, hands on the floor. By focusing on her bent legs, she can do massive forward-flipping jumps. Also notable for her excellent taste in fashion.

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Autumn is actually the second OC of the human-but-gimmicky-variety ever designed, but she was officially introduced in 100 OCs 2019. Her normal-looking skin and eyes and all that is just some elaborate camouflage, for she is 100% crunchy fall leaves.

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Blanche was a paper pusher not too long ago. She was promoted to a more important position in the main office of the company she works with. But it turns out they needed her for something a bit less dignified. Sort of origami mouse made its home in the office walls...

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This one was actually designed while some fool was lost in the jungle. Seriously. I refuse to elaborate because it's funnier that way.
Anyway, Antonella is pretty small and has impressive strength, not even relative to her size. Her four arms make her a good climber.

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Flannery exists outside of any canons. She seeks cute characters or interesting ideas and before you know it, she magically turns them into a paper version of themselves. She is, in fact, a personification of some fool's relentless desire to draw paper.

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Macy towers over other people and floats around in the skies. She is very weak and squishy though, so she really has no potential to cause trouble by bumping into things. When deflated she's pretty efficiently compact, and could even fit in a regular purse if folded.

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At around the size of a teaspoon handle, you'd be surprised at the amount of food Crumb can eat at once. It is downright illogical, but she can fit up food up to ten times her entire size in her mouth, then have fifths. She is also known for her wacky 2m tongue.

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Arcilla the clay girl makes a debut! She has distinctly cuboid-like angles when she forms. Her hands can float ethereally. Being detached and dextrous, she uses them to mold herself into anything she desires when needed. The feeling of being of service gives her joy.

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Lara lives far away from other gimmicky OCs. This made her stick out a lot in her community. She also has less experience with papery shenanigans. She carries her brown messenger bag everywhere. It weighs her down so she doesn't get swept by the wind.

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The tomboyish, hair-trigger tempered tanuki Tomoko and the schadenfreude-seeking seven-tailed fox Jenny have been fighting since the moment they were designed, and they don't seem to want to stop their rivalry anytime soon. Both can transform leafs into weapons!

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Bioluminescent and shocking, Wattkins is composed of pure electrical energy, making it a miracle she's even tangible. She is known to travel through circuits at blazing speeds. Contact is dangerous to most people, unless they're made of rubber. Ella, her gf, is that.

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This is what y'all mean by "2D girls" right? The "kawaii" paper girl Otta dreams of having an entourage of male suitors that fight for her affections... alas, there are only like three male some fool OCs and all three are uninterested. She's very straight and picky.

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You could call them conjoined twins, but their arrangement is a bit more complex than that to say the least. Aremme is the one on the right hand with red hair, while Bocca is the one on the left hand with blue hair. The "holder" is merely an extension of both.

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