Nath <3
I need to improve my coloring technique, I feel that something is missing 🤔

19 66

Wake-wakey sCreator, having the -entire- February off would be a bit much dontcha think?

12 41

Marc's plan B
"This along with a parachute should do the trick in case I get shot down!"

6 35

It was difficult to color 2 characters in the same drawing, I'm still not very convinced with the result, it may be like version 1, maybe I'll correct some details later, but for now it's done. :D

50 90

its been a hot minute since i ran this poll but tallmo has been elected by popular vote

17 62

More goobers
What are they doing this time?

38 98

バレンタイン絵 @ 2023


20 52

Happy Valentine Day From Sweet Maker! スイートメイカーのバレンタインデーおめでとう!

24 66