DEGEN ALERT! TOONZ bought for 0.95 ETH (1,342.19 USD) by 0x1659f5 from Flipology

1 4

DEGEN ALERT! TOONZ bought for 0.78 ETH (1,093.17 USD) by 0x1659f5 from 6969696969696969420

8 23

13 August 1659 part of Booth's Uprising, a Royalist insurrection against the republic, took place when Viscount Mordaunt declared for the King at Barnstead Down in Surrey. He only raised 80 men, who melted away as soon as government troops appeared.

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Peter and John healing the cripple at the gate of the Temple, 1659

0 15

.Sebastiano Ricci (1 August 1659 – 15 May 1734) was an Italian painter.Ercole e Onfale.
.Sebastiano Ricci (1 August 1659 – 15 May 1734) was an Italian_painter.Hercules on the Crossroads

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Sebastiano Ricci (1 August 1659 – 15 May 1734) was an Italian painter-Bathsheba.9

12 24

Ceremonial thrones of Tsar Alexis Mikhailovich (Alexis I). 1659

(British Museum)

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Hey friends,

show us a kitty you got in the comments below.
write a short story about his life.

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We'll choose one with the weirdest story, and give a SMC as a prize.


17 26

Ape# 1659
Sold for 3.5 $ETC ($86.20 USD)
Gas: 0.000141058 ETC ($0.00347 USD)
Total Holders: 1157 addresses

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Added one more to the collection. GM1659. Beautiful.

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker, c. 1649-1659.
Tomato [Solanum lycopersicum L.]

Some mid-17th century tomatoes.

(Statens Museum for Kunst, Danmark)

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Rutger van Langevelt
Interior of a Dutch Church, 1659.

Amazing detail in this, but my favourite is the woman pointing out the place to someone who is perhaps her daughter.

(Statens Museum for Kunst, Danmark)

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グイド・カニャッチ『悔悛のマグダラのマリア』1659年頃 ウィーン美術史美術館

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