27 July 1625: b. Edward Montagu, ambassador, admiral & cousin of Samuel Pepys Died at the Battle of Solebay, 28 May 1672

3 12

Cornelius Norbertus Gijsbrechts
Trompe l'Oeil with Breakfast Piece and Goblets, 1672.

(Statens Museum for Kunst, Danmark)

2 10

'De verheelijking van
Cornelis de Witt'

btd 1623 d 1672

🎨 Jan de Baen 1972

1 3

15 June 1623: b. Cornelis de Witt who was second to Lieutenant-Admiral Michiel de Ruyter in the raid on the Medway in 1667. Cornelis was killed on the same day as his brother Johan 20 Aug 1672 (The 2nd image is of their lynched bodies, Rijksmuseum)

4 5

開設(1672 寛文12年5月13日 沈没(1942 日本潜水艦 爆沈(1943)、#1984年 発刊(1949 SF小説)、#補給揚陸艦サー・ガラハッド 沈没(1982

0 2

Heya! My birds are:
Moon: (and another, can't find in wallet)

I have these pieces available on my own smart contract, also see pinned for my SR genesis


6 11

7 juin 1672 : les flottes franco-anglaise affrontent la marine néerlandaise à Solebay au début de la guerre de Hollande. La bataille est un succès stratégique pour les Néerlandais : les Alliés renoncent à débarquer aux Provinces-Unies. Peinture de Willem van de Velde, 1691.

6 45

1位(RT1672/Fav6407):https://t.co/NRgYYCxny3 (ebihurya332)
2位(RT577/Fav2747):https://t.co/UAefw3Qd0d (iroiro_komukomu)
3位(RT390/Fav1537):https://t.co/e2aYSdN5iq (hizaka12)
4位(RT443/Fav1466):https://t.co/aiSXyT9veX (kaedes)

0 0

7 May 1663. The Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, London, was opened. In 1672, the theatre caught fire and a larger one built on the same site. It was subsequently rebuilt twice more. The third building was also destroyed in a fire in 1809. The building that stands today opened in 1812.

19 52

⚡⚡ Catverses just got sold for 0.08BNB ($33.1).

Link: https://t.co/upPH3z3Xqk

0 0

Royal Visit (C2/DoY) to Fleet in Thames Estuary 1672, Willem van de Velde the Younger; busy scene of yachts & boats moving towards 'Prince' responding to signal of royal standard in mizzen shrouds calling a council-of-war of flag officers 94/365 https://t.co/qQYT8saQj4

2 3

Grandpa Ape Country Club 1672 bought for Ξ5 ($17,294.85)
Avg Price: Ξ0.84
Rare Traits:
Clothes: Striped T - 1.5%
Headwear: Night Cap - 1.12%
Mouth: Diamond Grill Grin - 0.54%


22 57




0 4

Bored Ape just sipped on an M2 serum and transmuted into Mutant Ape to

There are now only 1672 mutants remaining!

Opensea: https://t.co/7PP8uEcwtL

1 7