Morning from us and the view from our window here in San Francisco.

Thank you John Constable, for your 'Seascape Study with Rain Cloud, c. 1824', a mirror of our present skies.


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Jean-Léon Gérôme (11 May 1824 – 10 January 1904) was a French painter.Diogenes..
2.Jean-Léon Gérôme (11 May 1824 – 10 January 1904) was a French painter.Leda and the Swan by Jean Leon Gerome

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Anne Louis Girodet de Roucy (5 January 1767 – 9 December 1824)[1] was a French painter-Atala au tombeau,1808,Trioson, Louvre

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..5.1.Anne Louis Girodet (5 January 1767 – 9 December 1824) was a French painter Mademoiselle Lange as Venus,1798..
2.Anne Louis Girodet de Roucy (5 January 1767 – 9 December 1824)[1] was a French painter-Atala au tombeau,1808,Trioson, Louvre
4.Anne-Louis Girodet.Pygmalion

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Anne Louis Girodet (5 January 1767 – 9 December 1824) was a French painter-

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"Con il pennello ci limitiamo a tinteggiare, mentre solo l'immaginazione produce colore"
🎨 Théodore Géricault - Alienata con la monomania del gioco, 1820-1824
Olio su tela; 77×64,5 cm.
Louvre, Parigi

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Scooped lil lil and lil will meme this collection to mainstream adoption.

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Eugène Delacroix, The Giaour on Horseback (recto); Study of a Woman with Head and Arms Thrown Back, and Study of the Head of an Old Man (verso)., 1824–26

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ドミニク・アングル『ルイ13世の誓願』1824年 ノートルダム聖堂

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Pierre Puvis de Chavannes (1824-1898)

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Cristiano Banti (4 January 1824- 4 December 1904) was an Italian painter-Children

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Froggy Friend bought for 0.13 ETH by 0x11e485 from 0x772b2a

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Froggy Friend bought for 0.10 ETH by 0x772b2a from 0xf3b61b

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happy birthday to !!! another 1824 for youuuu 💙💜

they confessed and fucked in an alley cause of course they did uwu hope you have a great one!

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