January 1, 2007: Penguins watch the fireworks on the Ski Hill.

19 125

24. Parking 2, 2007: Angela tiene todo listo para pasar la Nochebuena en familia, pero el vigilante del parking de su empresa ha reservado otros planes para ella. Atrapada en el parking con un psicópata obsesivo y posesivo, su única prioridad es sobrevivir.

1 15

August 24, 2007: Penguins explore Camp Penguin

14 95

Metroid Prime 3
No More Heroes

Metroid Other M
No More Heroes 2

Metroid Dread
No More Heroes 3

Two of my favorite franchises seem to have quite the connection. This is a trend I can live with. 😁✌️

10 108



94 289

2007: Los Simpson: La película (The Simpsons Movie)

Quizá no contribuya mucho a aumentar la nómina de entusiastas de Los Simpson, pero dudo que alguno de ellos se sienta decepcionado.

Crítica y trailer: https://t.co/2YITiV0GjP

1 2

July 12, 2007: Moderators Polo Field (Chris Gliddon) and Screencaptor test out the Water Party before launch.

9 79

QRT with your first digital art vs your most recent

2007: "I have to do something with my life and that means learning to draw anime"
2021: coloring style practice portrait for a friend that I actually really like??


0 11

June 2007: Overlapping items glitch, visible in-game.

9 78

The second iteration of the Other Metagames Classic has begun! And you can sign-up for the first tournament, the Gen 7 BH Cup!

Sign-Ups: https://t.co/KiLL0LA6vj

Info on OM Classic: https://t.co/q4GdNpK9q5

Art by Zephyr2007: https://t.co/puX2Q4kvNh

3 18

February 28 2007: Cuba St gentrification.

0 4

A rising star in Virizion was recently suspect tested in the PU tier and this coverage tells you all the details!


In Italian: https://t.co/q8gJwalWr6
Spanish: https://t.co/QlsDdYmKct

Art by Zephyr2007: https://t.co/0AqEMsmYEq

0 41

Do you see red from these shinies or do you roll out the red carpet?

Art by Zephyr2007: https://t.co/Z1221LIuJN

1 59

Signups for the LC Fall Seasonal, the last tournament of the 2020 LC Circuit, are now open!

Art by Zephyr2007: https://t.co/Z1221LIuJN

3 18

In 2007: "Anime is a passing fad. Stylized art like that has no place in your portfolio." - Every professor I had save for like, one. This was just code for, "I don't like that you don't draw faces like me."

Look at all these "passing fads" that came along since then. https://t.co/TUyCblYd0w

1019 4504



2 35




5 73

2002: The tablet was just invented.
2004: I’m in high school.
2007: I started college.
2020: the fire nation attacked and we’re all at home.

(First pic is from my old deviantart account. Wow.)

4 38

Oh no, in search of old ATLA art, I'm now forced to look at all my old Pokemon art. None of you probably remember this version of Eevachu or the EXTREMELY teen edgelord universe I made up around her (as they've been stored on dA for a decade). The Pokemon hybrid squad circa 2007:

1 0

I got 2007!

Here are my four fave animes from 2007:

1. Baccano
2. Mononoke
3. Aria the OVA: Arietta
4. Kara no Kyoukai: The Garden of Sinners - Overlooking View

Reply and I’ll give you a year.

6 39