decided to do an actual redraw.. wanted to join in on tghe but the oldest art i have is from 2010... I TRIED SO HARD TO MAKE IT LOOK LIKE HINM BUT I'M GOINHG THROUGH THE BIGGEST SHOUJO DESU PHASE LMAO

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I didn't realize I actually improved lmao 😂

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I love seeing everyone do the so I wanted to do it as well! Sadly, I don’t have any art around from before 2011 so it’s gonna be 2011 vs 2019. It’s when I really started getting serious about my art and started keeping sketchbooks.

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Back in 2009 i started with anime sonic and lion king poorly drawn copies to learn how to draw
Now in 2019 I proudly can say im drawing my fursona and many others in vibrant stylized illustrations

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A decade of growth ✨

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2009 vs 2019 - Zerin Kisuno

I always beat myself up about my art thinking I'm never improving. But if you keep drawing you'll see that improvement. You just have to start somewhere.

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2009 vs 2019... I honestly hate doing these things sometimes because I don’t often see enough of a difference. It’s too subtle. ⠀

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My own version for the 💪✍

I'm so proud to show you my own 10 year's evolution ! 💖
YOU can do it too just keep to practice and work and you'll see the improvement ! 💖💕

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I had to dig deep into my archives to find a piece from 2006 (left), vs a piece I painted this year.

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Aaaannd the digital edition is even worse....drew the old ones in the Deviantart Muro(does that still exist???)

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Found an old picture of original Tsukara from 2009 to compare to FFXIV!Tsu

Sometimes I feel like my art hasn't changed much but it's nice to see that I've improved even with how often I stop drawing XD

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Eat your heart out, guys! Here's my It would have been nice if they are the same characters but I haven't thought of The Angel with Black Wings around that time but I think it's still a good comparison.

Did I do gewd?

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2009 vs. 2019 - Art Edition
I still like drawing ladies and their clothes lol <3 some things never change.

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