We can’t just take his tweets away. We also have to take the nukes away.

264 718

Always the season for

Commits more every day

On January 20th this nightmare’s over

Then he’ll Fkin’ go away 🙌🥳🙌

😷 be good & safe - all

5 6

At what point can this raving maniac be dragged away and locked up for the safety of the US and the world? Such deranged gibberish by the clementine clown has long ceased to amuse.

10 26

Ignorant about the Constitution
Hiding his tax returns
In-cahoots with Russai

173 430

Once again, not claiming prescience, but I painted this in January of 2016. In case you can't see the details very well from my poor photo, that's Trump's face on the statue of Liberty.

0 2

It's unbelievable that the 'president' cares more about his TV ratings than the death toll from a pandemic.

Still not a word of sympathy for the victims, it's still all about you.

584 2473

is trending! We’ve been advocating for it application for 3 years!

138 326

The cartoons of the Trump era are resetting the bar. It’s one of the few good things Trump’s given us. Perfect.

862 2642

Nick Anderson, Houston Chronicle - Nick Anderson cartoon https://t.co/eviZF1dt9l

2 1