Mercure, Vénus et Saturne s'alignent avec les pyramides de Gizeh pour la 1ère fois en 2737 ans le 3 décembre 2012.

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Lions, lions, lions, lions but not St Jerome's!

MS Kennicott 1; 1476 CE; Spain; f.64r,
Oriental 2737; Spain; c. 1300; f.35v
BnF MS Latin 10525; 13th century; f.56r
Add MS 11639; 1277-1324; f.520r

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Two depictions of Samson slaying the lion!

Or 2737; 1275-1324, Haggadah for Passover according to the Spanish rite (the 'Hispano-Moresque Haggadah'); Spain; f.35v
Add MS 11639; 1277-1324; 'The Northern French Miscellany;

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Baking and distributing the matzot in early 14th century Spain.

Or 2737; 1275-1324, Haggadah for Passover according to the Spanish rite (the 'Hispano-Moresque Haggadah'); Spain (Castile)
ff.88r, 89v

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SCP-2737「一匹の死んだヤツメウナギ」 Object Class:Safe


[ゆっくり] SCP-2737 [紹介]

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gingko | a:6 s:4200 d:0.2737 w:220 ns:9.7097 np:4.2305 nb:12

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fan group japanese_clothes kimono love_live!_school_idol_project [2737x1094]


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