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9 5

gepengie ayo mutualan sama sender, pls kindly drop your freepass in reply if you read 🤩 <M0th3r's Contr4ct M4rri4g3> on KK₩ ✨️

3 140

Toni as a Pretty princess. Now will you be her mario or her Bowser >3>

1 21

파울라 헤구(1935~2022)
빨간모자 연작 중 <엄마의 복수>(2003)
<거북 손>(2006)
<바니타스 3>(2006)

0 1

Icon/sticker comm for

Don't trust that smile >3>

5 19

And lo and behold there's the kid :3>

meet Braiden

6 46

개인적으론 이 꿈같은 시간을 보낸 뒤 2번 보이스를 다시 들어서 정신을 인간세상으로 돌려줄 필요가 있다고 봅니다.

1>2>3>4>5>2 순서로 들어주면 과몰입과호흡충격과흥분등등에서 무난하게 벗어날수 있을것같습니다그러면다시1번부터다시듣고영원히이보이스에서나갈수없고어쩌구저쩌구

0 2

This is my new sona (not sticksona) :3>

2 29

2년 전 첫 생방시참으로 그린 그림입니다
대사듣고 그려봐 주제는 [여름이었다]
한참 여름이었다란 말이 유행했을 때 였죠
그간 인체와 편집을 조금씩 배웠습니당 https://t.co/6KzPOqZ40P

8 56

Think my current bayonetta ranking is bayo 1>3>then 2. All p close tho. 3’s gameplay is highkey the best in the franchise. But 1 and 2 served more. I like 1’s gameplay more than 2 tho.

0 1

Aaaand I think that just about does it for Godot 3>4 conversions tonight! Probably do gib || fx conversions tomorrow. For now, I'll leave all of you Champions Classic fans with this:

1 9

Miko's going on Holibobs from 13th to the 17th!
So... Might be a bit DEAD here~! >3>

(Why do I somehow look terrifying in this image? XD)
Take care everyone!!!!! Until my return!! OwO
...Miko will miss chu~

6 47

- A new feature in My Room will enable to take photos of your Servants during the campaign
- Special Login Rewards (03/13>03/21)
Each Day: 1 Summon Ticket, 500,000 QP & A voiced scene with Shinsaku Takasugi
Last Day: ★4 Electro-Shamisen Command Code

6 29

A finished art piece of me and

Artwork done by the awesome o3o

Who else wants to get art with me? >3>

1 10

東京トガリ 〜ぼくとノラくん、時々、みいむん〜

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