are known for living in herds. Larger are made up mostly of female gazelle and their offspring. Males live in separate herds as they’re very territorial.#animals

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The word is from the Latin fur, meaning “little Indeed, one of the ferret’s favorite activities is and hiding things.

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have small, useless however, their are long and powerful. Emus are the only that have any calf muscles. Emus need a lot of water. They’re known for drinking 9 to 18 litres daily.

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All young and old alike, participate in elaborate, enthusiastic “dancing,” often just for the fun of it! For the young, dancing helps to develop physical and social skills.

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build for a myriad of reasons, and one is so that the behind it will grow deep enough to ensure it doesn’t freeze all the way throug during the winter so they can reach their storage at the bottom of the lake.

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We have seen this weather before. Our relatives were here 60 million years ago. Do you think you have the survival gene?

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Scientists deciphered of the duck-billed and found that, in accordance with the animal’s appearance, the platypus genome includes derived from the disparate worlds of and

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Many subspecies of the are either endangered or already extinct. Humans are the primary cause of this through hunting and the destruction of habitats. There are more tigers held privately as pets than there are in the wild

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have Olympic-caliber skills. Fleas are some of the best jumpers in the world, able to jump more than 150 times their body length. This ability is a necessity for the fleas’ life cycles.

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Rural folklore states that are capable of squeezing themselves through a ring.

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When threatened, run, growl, urinate and defecate. And when all else fails, they “play ‘possum" and act as if they are dead. It is an involuntary response (like fainting) rather than a conscious act.

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In case they sense something wrong while will not move and will start digging in their heels. This is a behavior out of their intelligence. This behavior has made people think that donkeys are stubborn.

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have been observed allowing banded and vervet to them in order to remove ticks from their hairless hides.

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The name comes from the Greek word for This name came about when salamanders came running out of the logs they had been hiding in when those logs were thrown on a fire.

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Unlike fish can only swim forward. Their fins are stiff and cannot be controlled by muscles. are the most endangered species on the planet. They are highly coveted for their fins used in shark fin soup.

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belong to the same bovine family as and They are the highest-dwelling in the world, typically living at altitudes of 18,000 feet and quite capable of living up to 23,600 feet above sea level.#animals

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love to eat shelled animals but they aren't equipped with the strength to open their food. They are big on While they hunt for food underwater, they’ll often store a rock in the skin under their arms for later use.#nature

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are fast who prefer to use their camouflage to avoid danger rather than moving quickly like other snakes. Other types of snakes will be slithering away to avoid danger. Not the viper.

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play a vital role in the clean-up of the in which they live. Referred to as ‘Nature’s Clean-Up Crew’, their scavenging help to prevent the spread of diseases, such as rabies and tuberculosis through clearing away carcasses.

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have extremely strong mouths but no teeth instead they have horny type beaks.  

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