first is 380, second is 180

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Le 13 juillet 1380, le connétable de France du Guesclin trépassait, devant Châteauneuf-de-Randon qu’il assiégeait. Et au XIXe, là où notre imagerie médiévale s'est formée, l'illustrateur Paul de Sémant (1855-1915) a fait rêver toute une jeune génération.

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When Mickey went a bit Tron

Mickey comic N°380, 1984. Brazil.

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The car is based on a mix of Toyota 7 and Nissan R380, just like on this cool little sketch by SilentSoul21!

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In 1380, a dispute over brewing rights prompted a conflict in Vretslav (Wroclaw) between City Council & Church, known as the War - property seized, interdiction of religious services & sacking of Cathedral by soldiers. Truce after Papal intervention.

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This beautiful console from Bruges Town Hall, carved around1376-1380, depicts Tristan and Yseult.

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