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Power Up! Which team is your favorite? The original 5? Do you prefer the team with the Green Ranger? Or the White Ranger?

3 6

25?살의 김재현... 낯설다 약간 구도랑 의상 표정 전부 이거랑 비슷한 느낌인데 (노린 건 아니고.. 걍 내 아이디어 부족임) 성인이고 비교적 철든 티도 낼겸... 셔츠 단추는 끝까지 잠궛고... 머리도 좀 차분... 생긴 것도 좀 성인스럽게 ... 네 (이하생략)

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40 442

Day 5??? 71??? || GET OUTTA HERE

1 13

Anyone want a head shot for £25?? So u can get takeaway??? 👀👀

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Does anyone want a quick symmetrical he like these for $15? Dm me if so! finished after a couple of hours!!

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Forgot to post this 13h ago, did I have highest score 235?! 👀👀

Also kooking forward for Gen5 yayy ! ☁️☀️⚡

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ayup i'm a transmasc guy who sometimes does art
my goal is like 75? 100? idk man
im in many fandoms
trying to get back into drawing, video games have taken over my life smh

2 2

I cut my finger, but it still works. And this is almost done!

After this I'm gonna work on my 12? 15? unfinished WIPS.

29 184

anyone still want a sketch like this for $25?? look I can draw furries too see

0 4

Me vs Ai round 4....or is it 5?idfk

0 1

Does anyone know the crew size for a US Navy 20mm Oerlikon AA gun including operators, trainers, loaders, etc.? Is it 2 where it's tight to 5?
↖️ https://t.co/nzASQkp0F7
↗️ https://t.co/VXX2UBQI60
↙️ https://t.co/JUYxSWZZCG
↘️ https://t.co/jhVsUnV59i

4 20

Vol 5? What exactly do you call "Burning the Candle" in V2? Or the dance Blake promised Yang before her dance with Sun?
You think Yang cried just b/c they were partners in V3, when Blake hesitated to believe Yang about attacking Mercury? She looks HEARTBROKEN

1 1

2 squadrons of 15? Or 3 squadrons of 10? I’ve seen sources that list a Green Squadron fighting (off screen) at Yavin too.

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62 294

holyshit women. is this spin off gonna convince me to start playing P5????

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