Five years later Yotsuba-chan~😍

Estoy enamorada con el cambio de todas socorro.

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Os juro que adoro tanto a Yotsuba que tenía muchas ganas de dibujarla y además con su pelito largo precioso de cuando era más jovencita ❤️❤️❤️❤️#GoToubunNoHanayome

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Back when I did these for fun. I am missing Yotsuba and just never got around to it.

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Vou teorizar que ela está com essa cara na capa do volume como teaser que o protagonista vai escolher ela no futuro e ninguém pode me impedir! Até combina as capas!

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Best Girl... Até para casar ela tem um fone apropriado para combinar com o vestido huahuaha

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My 5Toubun no Hanayome Ch 103 recolors, thanks those that helped me and that person which challenged me to color a whole page, thank you!

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Ichika Nakano!
The last summer art I'm squeezing in for the year.
I'm a devout Miku fan but man does Ichika always catch my eye.

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Some of my recolors from the newest chaper of 5Toubun no Hanayome (Ch 101)
Check the rest by clicking on the imgur link:

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Em vẫn luôn tin rằng, ngày hôm đó chính là ngày em tìm được nửa kia của đời mình 💗

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Ichika Nakano~

She a Pout Queen of the elderly sis

[S:Quintessential Quintuplets/5 Toubun no Hanayome]


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