Marvel Team-Up — Misty and Colleen see a lot more action here. This story has a bunch of notable moments: Misty and Colleen get their "Daughters of the Dragon" name, Misty and Danny finally tell each other that they love them and later share their first kiss (one of the

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지금 시점에서 혼자 예상해본
앞으로의 투니버스 일정

1/28 월: 61-62화
1/29 화: 63-64화
1/30 수: 봉인된카드 극장판
2/4 월: 65-66화
2/5 화: 67화, OAD(프롤로그-체리와 두개의 곰인형)
2/6 수: 클리어카드 1-2화

어디까지나 예상이지만 이번 설 연휴에 무사히 본방사수 할 수 있음 좋겠네요 😭

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63-64. More dragon studying. This time looking at Eragon (movie version) and Maleficent (cartoon version). I esp like how they designed the dragon to tie in with the sorceress through the headdress and the eye color.

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Confederate soldiers thought to be 20th Tennessee Infantry taken at Rock Island prison during winter of 1863-64

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