Day 65: Monika

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Today in Rocket History: January 31, 2008, DP065: "Pachirisu is in Kabaldon's Mouth!?” aired in Japan.

The final time we see Yamato and Kosaburo as Rocket agents. The TRio fight them to a draw before the Twerps blast all of them off.

A disappointing end to their rivalry.

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No.065:ビシャシャ ♂
肩書き:ケロン七福 毘沙門天

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Sketch 65: Blue maid outfit
Sketch is ready to serve her master anytime

An outfit given to Sketch at the end of Nutvember.

Uncensored versions available in Patreon and Ko-fi

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1日1ポケ 265:ケムッソ

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