Ape bought for 72.00 ETH (131,510.16 USD) on Opensea


0 13

MachiBigBrother sold 88 HV-MTL for Ξ172.120 ($315,000.25)

1 9

Just sold for 172.172696283 S◎L | 1.95 ETH | $3551.92


0 0

Chad Doge sold on Joepegs for 4.20 AVAX [$72.12]

📊 Avalytics: https://t.co/qbJbPNIUjm

0 0

Chad Doge (token sold for 4.20 ($72.28) on Joepegs.

Community Chat: https://t.co/qQ7YB7EL8E
Marketplace: https://t.co/flmBi51ZOo
Transaction: https://t.co/MnQ6kvylyB

0 1

Ape bought for 61.00 ETH (110,072.67 USD) on Opensea


0 0

The shares “Art Thoughts,” inspired by at : comics by Kansas City artist Benny Johnson (). These are on William Wegman’s Weimaraner photos “Parallelogram,” 1993 and “Stormy Night,” 1972.

0 0

A little fanart of Maru 💜. posted by u/Sea_Aardvark_5372. Post url: https://t.co/Xq1uaDhgto

17 507


Olivar Quinto was a businessman of Aeta descent and an impeccable archer. Later became a founding member of the Justice League of the Philippines in 1955.

Radicalized, deglamorized, & joined the rebels in 1972.

13 31

[우카이 케이신의 생일 D-7]
카라스노고교 코치
등번호: 2 (고교시절)
포지션: 세터 (고교시절)
키: 178.2cm
몸무게: 72.2kg
좋아하는것: 알 곤약
최근의 고민: 아직 30살도 안 됐는데 부모님이 빨리 결혼하라고 하는 것
별명: 카라스노의 지혜, <해바라기>

20 72