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February 2, 1829, research by Mary Somerville read at the Royal Society of #London becomes 1st paper by a woman to be published in their journal. Somerville was also one of the 1st to publish a textbook on Physical Geography in 1848 🌐 https://t.co/uRbR97d6uv
Je vous emmène encore en voyage aujourd’hui ?
Allons à Pompei et Herculanum, sur les traces de Wilhelm Zahn, un allemand qui à partir de 1829, supervise des fouilles, et publie ses découvertes dans un monument de la lithographie : « Die schönsten Ornamente... aus Pompeji »⤵️
📚Reflexiones (Distracción), 1875
#Art Jules-Émile Saintin, nació el 14 de agosto de 1829, falleció el 13 de julio de 1894,fue un pintor francés neoclásico. #espejosenelarte #librosenenarte
Botanical illustration and the park: Flore pittoresque et me´dicale des Antilles........by M E Descourtilz.......1829, BHL/NY Botanical Garden..........https://t.co/eYvQj3gq4l #botanicalillustration
Sir John Everett Millais was born #OnThisDay in 1829, shown here from our collection are two works: 'Waiting' and a study for 'Ophelia' #PRB #PreRaphaelite
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Botanical illustration and the park: Floral illustrations of the seasons, consisting of the most beautiful, hardy and rare herbaceous plants cultivated in the flower garden, from drawings, by ML Roscoe, 1829, BHL/NYBG, https://t.co/m1smQbjjwa
Birds of the park, and elsewhere..........Nederlandsche vogelen; vogens hunne huishouding, aert, by Cornelis Nozeman and Martinus Houttuyn......1770-1829, from BHL/Ernst Mayer Library.........https://t.co/I8H27gpX0T
#Holdmybeer: #earlymodern gable stone on former 'Bierdragershuisje' in #Amsterdam, depicting #beer carriers, c. 1651, demolished in 1829, coll. @stadsarchief
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#HappyBirthday Eugène Delacroix ! (Horse frightened by lightning, 1825 - 1829, Museum of Fine Arts, @VisitBudapest)
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