were amazing people who lived more than 40,000 years ago. They survived three ice ages and ended up as ancestors of all of us. The first one uncovered was from Schmerling Caves, Belgium, in 1829, but it wasn't recognized for 100 years.

101 334

February 2, 1829, research by Mary Somerville read at the Royal Society of becomes 1st paper by a woman to be published in their journal. Somerville was also one of the 1st to publish a textbook on Physical Geography in 1848 🌐 https://t.co/uRbR97d6uv

32 78

Je vous emmène encore en voyage aujourd’hui ?
Allons à Pompei et Herculanum, sur les traces de Wilhelm Zahn, un allemand qui à partir de 1829, supervise des fouilles, et publie ses découvertes dans un monument de la lithographie : « Die schönsten Ornamente... aus Pompeji »⤵️

51 217

📚Reflexiones (Distracción), 1875
Jules-Émile Saintin, nació el 14 de agosto de 1829, falleció el 13 de julio de 1894,fue un pintor francés neoclásico.

25 18

Botanical illustration and the park: Flore pittoresque et me´dicale des Antilles........by M E Descourtilz.......1829, BHL/NY Botanical Garden..........https://t.co/eYvQj3gq4l

0 2

Sir John Everett Millais was born in 1829, shown here from our collection are two works: 'Waiting' and a study for 'Ophelia'

14 41

📈 Girlgroup Brand Reputation Index in March 2020

— 4,148,702 points

Participation: 130,832
Media: 829,920
Communication: 1,290,908
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357 706

Botanical illustration and the park: Floral illustrations of the seasons, consisting of the most beautiful, hardy and rare herbaceous plants cultivated in the flower garden, from drawings, by ML Roscoe, 1829, BHL/NYBG, https://t.co/m1smQbjjwa

0 0

Birds of the park, and elsewhere..........Nederlandsche vogelen; vogens hunne huishouding, aert, by Cornelis Nozeman and Martinus Houttuyn......1770-1829, from BHL/Ernst Mayer Library.........https://t.co/I8H27gpX0T

0 2

gable stone on former 'Bierdragershuisje' in depicting carriers, c. 1651, demolished in 1829, coll.

7 19

Instagram followers update:
+66,203 in the past 24 hours🔥
169 posts

414 1042

Ninja 650/KRT EDITION、2019モデル2/1発売

Ninja 650(STD)の2019モデルは、仕様・装備に変更はなく、メタリックスパークブラックの1色展開で税込価格807,840円。

「Ninja 650 KRT EDITION」は、2018年同様にライムグリーン×エボニータイプが税込車両本体価格829,440円。

5 17

[🎁휴이온 1.5KG 가벼운 15.6인치 액정 타블렛 !]

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GT-156HD V2 구경하러 가기 ▼▼▼

67 20

Bartolomeo Pinelli, La Compagnia dei sacconi al Colosseo (Penitents Praying at Altars in the Colosseum), 1829, watercolor over black chalk and graphite on wove paper

1 4

Eugène Delacroix, Horse Frightened by a Storm, watercolour, between 1825 and 1829, Szépművészeti Múzeum, Budapest

5 15

Eugène Delacroix ! (Horse frightened by lightning, 1825 - 1829, Museum of Fine Arts, )

1 1