Paul Nash (1889-1946)

6 26

Paul Nash (1889-1946)

3 23

Paul Nash (1889-1946)

13 48

🌊 Résultats des campagnes scientifiques accomplies sur son yacht
[Monaco]Impr. de Monaco, 1889-

1 2


6 12

Paul Nash (1889-1946)

15 81

명화 참조 검사니 연성 14 (재업)
(검&사니 포함)

1) 모리 칸사이(1814-1894)의 그림
2) 츠키오카 요시토시, <신형36괴선 모란 등불>(1889-1892)
3) 스즈키 하루노부의 그림(c.1765-1770)
4) 미즈노 토시카타, <36가선 반딧불놀이>(1891)

를 각기 참조.

0 0

Yuri Annenkov (Russian, 1889-1974)
"Young woman at her toilette" (n.d.)
Pastel and gouache on card
Private collection.

7 37

Georges de Sonneville (1889-1978)

5 45

🎨 La Sieste de Vincent van Gogh, 1889-1890 😉😃

1 3

Paul Nash (1889-1946)

9 46

Paul Nash (1889-1946)

12 53

Paul Nash (1889-1946)

2 15

Lyubov Popova (1889-1924) was one of the outstanding creators of the avant-garde. She has influenced such areas of painting as Cubo-Futurism, Suprematism, and Constructivism. Her ideas embraced creative and design solutions for graphic design, scenography, fabrics and costumes.

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