Would Kekkai Sensen werewolves be able to find warp/weft Tokiko? Honestly, I want to see Chain and Tokiko fight. I know she's like 70, but something about her just screams "I will beat your ass and ressurrect childhood trauma."
i guess kinda

0 2

thiiis fucking concept art SO good SO perfect i will draw backgrounds this beautiful one day

0 5

!! !!

you know what day it is. it's saturday. you know what i'm posting.

10 30

10th place is THE SEJIMA FAMILY - SO, SAITO, URU AND IRIS! everyone loves a foxy grandpa, two insane siblings, and their gamer girl sister!

3 9

redraw of my old saito drawing

68 182

\ ぽっかぽか! /
\ ふとん、すいとん、あせとんちゃん! /

23 61

【IFとかAUとか…】世島兄妹並べて描かれてる絵を拝見する度「なんか…可愛いじゃん…(トキメキ)」となっていたので私も並べて描いてみてたんですけど、何故か隼くんを日曜日のパパにしてしまった 世島兄妹と何かとご縁しかない隼もとい伊達くんに幸あれ(?)

8 17

happy redraw of a doodle i did in 2020 after finishing aitsf for the first time :) mizuki's meant to be a little older here than she was in aini

5 18

normal thoughts about them

36 63

don’t think i ever posted here anything ai-related

9 50


21 45


22 44

some doodles i did the other day

43 80

finally here's some villains!

no chikara bc hes fuckin ugly

2 11

Fireworks, fireworks, fire in the works

32 75

"A-Set, you bet!!"

A cute lil I drew to practice my style. Kinda wanna try drawing the whole cast, but... there's so many characters 🤣

8 22

[ | ] Testing out some new brushes with a little bit of a redraw hehe 🥺 family….

68 176