Já em Dragon Ball Legends, temos o Shallot, que foi criado por Toriyama para o jogo. Shallot é um Saiyajin Ancestral que viveu nos primórdios da era saiyajin, ainda no planeta Sadala. O seu uniforme é o que seria o mais fiel pra mim e é feito de algum tipo de couro.

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hello, the name's majin, an artist of all sorts. happy

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Shading practice with majin, since im on a artblock rn

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Annnd another attack!! This time its on 's Majin, Luster w a headshot of them!! I enjoyed doin this one ^_^

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I also did some icons! Specifically, Majin, Zombie Pico, Zombie Mia and TBT BF

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Imajin, Lina, Papa and Mama Minecraft Skins

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Here's another thing I've made to wish a happy birthday: All my favorite versions of Sonic

Before you say anything, yes I added Majin, Sunky, Sonic. Exe, and Ugly Sonic- I mean Area 51 Sonic in the picture because I like them, too

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These logos all represent different versions of, well, Sonic

The ones on his chest being the ones that are available to him, and the ones on his gun representing some popular media (the infinite symbol/eight is Majin, I forgot to write it down and i think the knight one—

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Acho muito significativo como o Goku precisa controlar suas emoções enquanto Macaco Gigante para conseguir atingir o ápice das transformações Saiyajin, parecendo mesclar os dois poderes intrínsecos de sua raça (Oozaru e Super Saiyajin).

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Самое время вспомнить про Ajin, которого экранизировали буквально так, когда как в манге просто офигенная рисовка

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Speaking of EXEs, i have a personal one of my own that I've yet to publicly share myself.
without further ado; i bring you the one and only,
[if you think he looks like Majin, its a bit intentional yet i wouldn't just attach him to the idea of being just another Majin]

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I have seen many do it, so let's ask

If you had the chance, who would you choose to ship with the empress of all herajin, soburasada hellsguard?


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Feliz Goku Day, galera! 💜
Em 9 de maio, os fãs de Dragon Ball comemoraram o dia do guerreiro Saiyajin, Son Goku!

E aí, qual é a melhor transformação do Goku em toda a sua história?

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In my opinion, that would be more or less the reactions of Lord X, Majin, Xeno and Fleetway when they see wue sanic, sunky and exe, they are like 3 little boys that the fandom loves ^^

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La Saga de Majin Buu es una MUY BUENA parte de la historia de Dragon Ball 💥

Goku SJJ3, Vegeta Majin, Gohan crecido, el legendario soundtrack y los dibujos en el máximo potencial de Z. Un anime de leyenda.

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Happy Birthday Ali🥳🎊🎁🎉

Panjang umur, sehat selalu, tambah pinter, tambah rajin, tambah kuat, dan yang paling penting tambah tinggi👌👌
Wish you all the best my boi we're all proud of you, keep doing your best💕💕

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Super crooks, Ajin, Tokyo Revengers, Fate Stay night, I could keep going

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Recently finsihed commission for ! Featuring plenty of Vegeta: Majin, Baby, SSJ4, and Ultra Ego! A piece definitely fitting for a prince 😎

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